What should my goals be when all my races have been canceled?!

Yes, there are some races continuing on, but the vast majority of events continue to be canceled and postponed. This has left many asking “What should my goals be if there is no races to train for anymore?”

Here is a guide (along with a FREE WORKSHEET) you can use to help you come up with great goals to keep your training moving in the right direction.

There are 3 Types of Goals that are well worth your while with no races in the near future:

1) Personal Challenge Goal

Set your pandemic goals

This is the most exiting of the three. And that is the point! Choose something that really gets you excited. Most likely this will be something that you have been wanting to do for quite some time but just haven’t quite had the time being busy training for specific events. Think of this as an adventure - and one that is sure to challenge you to complete something new. The bottom line is that it has to EXCITE you!


Examples of this could be completing a marathon on the treadmill, cycling 200km in one day, or Everesting that amazing climb on the other end of town you’ve been using for hill repeats. Last month, a couple of acquaintances of mine walked 50 miles through the pathway system of Calgary in one day. Keep in mind that these types of goals do not even have to be directly related to triathlon. Come up with a hiking, kayaking or skiing challenge!

2) Personal Performance Goal

This is most similar to the types of goals we set ourselves up with during a normal race season. However, this year, rather than making a performance goal based upon a race event choose an aspect of your training that you want to perform at a certain level.


Go for that 5K run PR or set a new FTP goal on the bike. While this type of goal is more race-like, it’s not completely dependent on an official event. And down the road when racing gets back to normal, these goals are really going to contribute to getting back to full fitness quite quickly.

3) Personal Skill Goal

There are many, many skills that a triathlete can master. Unfortunately, most age groupers don’t have the time between work life and family responsibilities to really put any focus on developing those skills that make a more well-rounded triathlete. More confidence, body-awareness and a sense of accomplishment are all huge benefits to picking up or mastering a new skill.


Mastering run drills, dives, wetsuit removal, transition, mounting your bike, or YES - even flip turns. Some of these skills are not essential for triathlon, while others you may choose to focus on might have a substantial impact on your racing in a positive way next summer. With no races taking over your weekends, use that time to learn something new!

Okay, so you’ve taken a few days and thought about two or three goals that have replaced your race season. Now what? How can you accomplish your goals?

Use the Covid Goal Worksheet to develop a plan to meet your new goals!

The worksheet will take you through the exercise of figuring out what you need to…




…in order to reach your goals.

Remember, you don’t have to complicate things with these goals. Keep it simple, and that will make you happy. Goals shouldn’t cause more worry or stress, but be a chance to celebrate and enjoy the journey.

Make setting and achieving goals your NEW NORMAL no matter what the race season looks like!

Kyle Jensengoals, pandemic