Are You Getting Bored with Your Training Nutrition?

Bonking sucks.  There is nothing worse then being in the middle of a workout or race and hitting that wall.  Essentially, bonking is caused by glycogen depletion from the muscles and liver.  This depletion occurs during continuous exercise that is sustained for long periods of time.  The best way to prevent bonking is through nutrition.  Maintaining a well-balanced, nutritious diet during the day can definitely help, but a lot of the time you need to consume calories during the workout.  Enter gels, chews, tablets, etc.  These products are designed to be convenient to take and mostly contain sugar.  Some people find these energy products difficult to digest and don’t overly enjoy their artificial demeanor.  Here are a couple alternative options for those not wanting to bonk but also not wanting to force themselves to swallow a gel mid workout:


Baby Food

Baby food is one of the most versatile nutrition options.  You can make your own or buy pre-made.  When buying pre-made, you can get single serve options that have a twisty cap so it is super easy to eat while training.  There are also hundreds of different flavors so you will never get bored with the same one. 

Energy balls can make a great training nutrition alternative.

Energy Balls

Energy balls are an easy and delicious way to get in some extra calories.  You can customize them to your only personal taste preferences.  I like to combine peanut butter, honey, oats, flaxseed, dried fruit and dark chocolate.  Make the balls as small or as large as you want.  *Tip: if you plan on training on a hot day and your balls have ingredients that may melt, place them in the freezer overnight.

Fruit, especially bananas, make a convenient food to eat before or after a training session


Fruit contains natural sugars.  These sugars are different than table sugar.  Fruit sugars are broken down in your liver and don’t provoke an insulin response.  Fruit also has fiber and many essential nutrients.  Bananas are extremely convenient to carry and eat on a ride and they are high in potassium, which helps to maintain a healthy blood pressure. 

pancakes for nutrition


Pancakes are another delicious mid workout option.  You can also easily customize them by adding fruit, nuts or dark chocolate.  Want a little extra protein?  Buy a protein pancake mix.  On the weekend make a big patch and then freeze them so you can easily grab as you head out the door. 

chia seeds are a good alternative food

Chia Seed Gel

Chia gel is simply a mix of chia seeds and water.  The chia seeds will absorb the liquid and become gelatinous.  You can store it in a small water bottle holder (think of the ones you see on running hydration belts).  Chia seeds are extremely nutritious.  They are an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids, rich in antioxidants, and provide fiber, iron and calcium.  A one ounce serving has 13g of carbohydrates, making it a great source for glucose.